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B i o g r a p h y

Since her early days, Moon has always felt fascinated about all the mistery and intensity, inside and outside her being.

The body held memories that soon were about to blossom.

She started her quest at age of 10, with Modern Jazz Dance and at the age of 13, Street Dance. This came to be the roots of her movements that we can clearly see when Moon is performing.

But it wasn't enough, her body wanted more. It is at this point that Moon felt the urge to explore and analyse her body language.

Meanwhile, at the age of 14, Moon took Music lessons, to let her body express himself through other forms of art, this included acoustic guitar, classical voice lessons and electric bass.
She participated in various bands and personal projects as Celtic

Dance, Needva and at the present time, Advent Mechanism.

Her path crossed ways with the art and performances school, Chapitô, which was a very importante fase of her life.

In 2006, Moon falls deeply in love with oriental belly dancing and decides to attend classes. In 2007 she meets Íris Lican with who she attends regular classes since then and took the first year of her course “The Oriental Body: Professional Oriental Dance” with Mariana Lemos and Baltazar Molina.

Still in love , and to further understand her body, she attends to the professional ayurvedic massage course, vyayam yoga and shaolin kung fu, which she intends to carry on her studies later.
Moon also attended workshops with Sharon Kihara, Joana Saahirah and Cris Aysel.

Today she performes in the gothic belly dance group Ignis Fatuus Luna, is one of the founders of Akathisia (created specially for the music project Advent Mechanism) and she is also a member of the Gothic & Metal-Fusion project.

Moon dedicates her time to the creation of her own expression through dance and dives into the stream of energy as a living being.



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